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Nutritional Surveillance Programme

The programme which follows children with food allergy was initiated in order to evaluate the possible lack of macro and micro-elements that play a role in such a pathology, particularly during the exclusion dietary. Such activities are supported by the software GEDIP-Solution which has been modified specifically for food allergy by the Head of the Centre and the centre dietitian. With such a programme it is important to analyze dietary varieties for the child affected by food allergy, to estimate the intake of calories and of macro- and micro-nutrients, to compare them with the recommended daily intake and, if necessary, to supplement them. The software also allows the use of dietary plans which have been devised in according to age-band and foods excluded. The nutritional project agreed with the Nutritional Clinical Service of the Padua Hospital - University di Padua, involving a series of blood tests in order to evaluate any imbalances in the patient’s nutritional state.

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